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Sponsorship AVE/ROI

Sponsorship AVE/ROI = $630,031


Domestic/International print and broadcast media "placements" (reporting on C3 Healthcare 2014) = 230
MONTHLY AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) = $161,000 (230 "placements" x avg. cost of $700 per placement / see embedded hyperlink within media distribution list for C3 press release

C3 Summit Website Stats

Unique visitors (since launch on Jan 1, 2012 - December 1, 2014) = 97,200
ANNUAL AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) = $32,400 (97,200 x $1 per person / 3 years)

Total "clicks" (since launch on Jan 1, 2012 - December 1, 2014) = 3,447,090
ANNUAL AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) = $436,631 (3,447,090 clicks x US avg. cost per click of $0.38 / 3 years)